Coming Soon

Rockstar Games teased a lot infos of the upcoming GTA 5 game, which is a unconventional behaviour for them. However it seems like they have another big secret in their pocket called:Grand Theft Auto Online. Why they call it that way brings up speculations about the GTA 5 Multiplayer functions. Did they create a groundbreaking innovation for online gaming? The title indicates that the new system will also be used in subsequent releases. R* is promising more specific details in August with new media to be published additionally.
(link has rest of the article. This is just the first few paragraphs)
By Shaun Mclnns, Editor of Gamespot
GTA Online is Rockstar's effort to marry carefully crafted multiplayer with the anything-goes nature of an open world.
-Shaun Mclnns
I'm watching four members of Rockstar North pull off a heist in Grand Theft Auto Online. This is hardly some two-bit job; it's a carefully orchestrated mission where each player assumes a different role in an effort to infiltrate a secured storage yard and make off with a truck full of high-value merchandise.
It's going well. Two of the players have managed to jump in the truck and endure a white-knuckle freeway chase stretching from the grimy warehouse district of Los Santos to an unassuming patch of farmland in the Blaine County countryside. As they drop off the truck, the other pair of players--the ones who've been tailing along providing invaluable cover fire--pull up beside them in a zippy sports car. Smiles abound as the group revels in its successful heist. Just when it looks like everyone is about to pile together and cruise into the sunset, the player behind the wheel says, "Sorry! I've only got two seats. But I do have this for you." It's here that the driver flips his partners the bird and peels off in a cloud of dust and laughter.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is Grand Theft Auto Online in a nutshell. GTA Online is Rockstar's effort to marry the carefully crafted structure of mission-based multiplayer with the unpredictable, anything-goes nature of an open-world experience. It's a delicate balancing act to be sure, but if our first look is anything to go by, Rockstar has already hit its mark.
GTA Online is Rockstar's effort to marry carefully crafted multiplayer with the anything-goes nature of an open world. First, a bit of context. Grand Theft Auto Online is not a standalone retail product; it's included with copies of GTAV. Some narrative overlap connects GTA Online with the story campaign, including a handful of shared characters. In fact, you can even switch between the two modes by selecting your multiplayer avatar from the very same character wheel used to jump between Michael, Trevor, and Franklin in the main storyline.
But GTA Online is its own beast: building your criminal empire in this part of the game requires navigating through a very different dynamic, with earnings and progression separate from those found in the story campaign. In fact, Rockstar's aim is to spin this off into its own separate entity altogether. That's why GTA Online is being built on a separate development schedule, and why it will release shortly after GTAV on October 1 via a patch to the main game. But don't worry; you'll be able to get yourself suitably hyped up thanks to a countdown timer Rockstar plans to include in the game prior to the patch.
The whole thing takes place within a world that aims to feel far more alive than any of Rockstar's previous multiplayer offerings. Switching over to GTA Online, you're immediately dropped into a world shared by 16 players. No need to match up with other people using some free-roaming lobby--merely jumping into GTA Online is enough to tell the game you're ready to free-roam alongside other players.
(Okay guys you could read the rest if you like on the link above. This was just a taste on the first batch of the review by Shaun)
If you are interested in anymore information about the new and improved GTA Online check these links out by Playstation Universe (PSU)
- http://www.psu.com/a020527/GTA-Online-free-and-launches-after-GTA-V
- http://www.psu.com/a020526/GTA-V-Online-trailer-reveals-user-created-deathmatches-and-races
- http://www.psu.com/a020527/GTA-Online-free-and-launches-after-GTA-V
- http://www.psu.com/a020530/GTA-V-multiplayer--the-unanswered-questions

Each of The Characters will be distinct from one another (as their brief descriptions would imply) in both appearance and personality, with the player apparently able to switch between any of the three at nearly any time. Rockstars Dan Houser points to the lessons learned with Red Dead Redemption and the Liberty City Episodes for an understanding of the studios thinking behind the new main characters. According to Houser, the benefits of telling three distinct stories in one city seemed like a logical evolution of their formula:
Its been very challenging, because before you were trying to keep one story alive and now youre trying to keep threeIts definitely had complexities and things that have challenged us, but I think the advantage at a very simplistic and blunt level is it lets you tell a more complex story in a more naturalistic way. It is the same with game design as it is with story design, so you arent forcing the lead character through every situation and every piece of information. At another level, it lets you play as both protagonist and antagonist. We hopefully have a strong and interesting cast of supporting characters, but maybe less wide-ranging than in previous games because a lot of the time, the people youre not necessarily fighting with, but bickering with, are your other lead characters.
That approach to video game storytelling is uncommon in triple-A development, and Rockstar is already discovering why that is. The challenge is larger than any theyve faced before in terms of plot, but Houser believes it will pay off for players:
Were all starting to feel that its our strongest plotted game because the characters are so intertwinedWhen youre advancing Michaels story, youre also advancing Trevors story in a different way, and the meeting points are very exciting. I think making that work has certainly been challenging given our inexperience and lack of skill, but weve done our best to come up with something we think is giving this much more densely plotted experience that we couldnt have pulled off when you always need the lead character in every moment.

The emphasis on extreme sports and exploring the countryside goes far beyond missions or linear pathways. According to Art Director Aaron Garbut, The Imitation-Los Angeles concocted for GTA V is larger than the environments of Red Dead Redemption, San Andreas, and GTA IV combined. We dont know if thats including the coastal shelf explorable via SCUBA, but either way, Garbut explains that the updated version of Los Santos is designed to bring every aspect of L.A. to life, not just the gang culture highlighted in San Andreas.

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